Tired of endless scrolling through today’s memes and TikToks?
Step into the 80s and 90s, where the internet was barely a thing and we were more worried about Y2K than Wi-Fi passwords. At, we’ve got all the nostalgic goodness you crave, minus the shoulder pads and VHS tracking issues. It’s your one-stop shop for everything rad, tubular, and downright gnarly. Whether you're here for a trip down memory lane or just to feel old...again...we’ve got you covered like a Trapper Keeper.
Stop by for laughs, trivia, and pop culture overload… no dial-up required.
Five 80s TOYS & GADGETS from Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1
Here are 5 toys and gadgets from Stranger Things and the history behind them.
5 Movies from the 80s and 90s CRITICAL of the USA (for your Independence Day Watch Party)
Five films from the 80s and 90s that are critical of America to watch on the 4th of July.
Five songs about VIDEO from the 1980s
From New Wave to Rock, here are five songs about VIDEO from the 1980s.
5 Discontinued McDonald’s Menu Items of the 80s and 90s (That Aren’t Burgers)
5 McDonalds menu items that (mostly) tried and failed from the 80s and 90s.
5 Short-Lived and Overlooked Technologies of the 80s and 90s (That Your Uncle Held On To)
Overlooked technologies of the 80s and 90s.
Five MONKEY Songs from the 1980s
A revisit of five hit MONKEY tunes from the 80s and the real meaning behind them.
Five 80s Russian Movie Villains and the Heroes Who Fought Them
A look at five 80s movie Russian villains and the heroes who fought them.
5 Awesome Asian-American Actors from the 80s & 90s
A look at five of the most prolific Asian-American actors of 80s and 90s Hollywood.
Five Coolest Time Machines from 1980s Movies
The pros and cons of the 5 coolest time machines of 80s movies.
5 Toxic Movie Mentors You Thought Were Good
Five bad mentors from 80s and 90s films you thought were good, but aren’t really.
5 Rock Songs About WIND from the 80s & 90s that will Blow You Away
Five rock songs from the 80s and 90s about wind.
5 Awesome PBS Television Show Hosts We Loved
Five of our favorite public television show hosts from the 80s and 90s.
Top Five 1980s Television Helicopters
1980s action television had great helicopters. Here are my top five.
Top Five Television Bars of the 80s and 90s
You don’t have to be alone in hermit mode. Hang out in these TV bars.
Five 80s & 90s Movie Alien Mothers
Some people do lists about sweet sitcom moms for Mothers Day. We do this.
Five Goofy Things About the SATANIC PANIC
Memories from a kid who grew up in the Satanic Panic.
Etch A Sketch Animator: The Best Toy Ever Made
The Etch A Sketch Animator was a great toy! Here’s why.