About Us
Thank you for joining us on the ride as we podcast, blog and vlog about popular culture, society and events from the last two decades of the second millennium. Be amused, and maybe learn a thing or two, via frequent retro doses of nostalgia with an eclectic weekly special-topic podcast, under-the-radar movie reviews, and articles all about…
The 80s and 90s
is the hub and home of all of our properties. It is a special-interest website with articles about everything 80s and 90s culture and events. You can get to any of our creative endeavors here including…
is our weekly podcast where we explore the world of all things 80s and 90s. About the length of a sitcom, episodes have multiple recurring segments and surprises meant to be both informative and amusing.
is a monthly-ish web video series where we review, admire and poke fun at the most underrated, obscure, obtuse and overlooked films of the 80s and 90s. If you like strange or forgotten movies, you’ll love this.
Milo is a writer, actor, and podcast host. He has been living as an American expat in Europe for more than a decade.
Producer and host of The 80s and 90s Uncensored. His most recent book “How to Manage Your Manager: All the Credit, Half the Work” is out now.
Jamie is a digital mercenary and vocational ronin of questionable sanity from the foothills of the Cascades just east of Seattle.
Producer of the80sand90s.com and gagman co-host of The 80s and 90s Uncensored podcast.

Contact us
Want to contact us for promotional opportunities or partnerships? Maybe you just want to send us fan mail. Want to give Milo an acting or voiceover gig? Maybe you’re a beautiful celebrity who wants to take Jamie up on a wine bar date. In any case, just click that button down there.