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We do not operate from the EU so we don’t have to show that goofy cookies banner everyone is doing. We do not operate from California so we don’t have to show a generic, disingenuous privacy policy banner either. We respect the information and privacy of our visitors because you are our guests. Plain and simple.
No Scraping, Dude.
We love that you dig our content, but let’s keep it real. Automated scraping, data mining, or any other robotic tomfoolery is not cool. The articles, reviews, and nostalgia-packed goodness on are created by real people for real fans.
If you’d like to share or reference something, just ask! Otherwise, keep your bots in check and enjoy the content the way it’s meant to be… one rad click at a time.
Thanks for keeping the internet a fun place!
It is the official stance of, Fervorfish Media, and all related properties that "Die Hard" is NOT a Christmas movie. Although the plot takes place around Christmas, the film was released on July 22, 1988. Nobody releases a film in the middle of Summer expecting it to be a Christmas movie. So it is written.
With that said, if you watch it every Christmas as tradition like we do, good on you.