The Case of Star Trek Deep Space Nine v. Voyager
Written By Milo D.
In this contentious episode, the conversation gets heated as the guys end up in a virtual slap fight over which is better: Star Trek: DS9 or Voyager. Will Jamie and Milo reconcile? Will there be future episodes? Find out!
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Picard possesses a fascinating array of artifacts that reflect his love for history and the incredible adventures he’s embarked on.
Star Trek: Voyager had a strong premise but often fell flat with episodic plots, inconsistent characters, and recycled villains.
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Milo is an actor, podcast host and producer, and writer. His most recent book “How to Manage Your Manager: All the Credit, Half the Work” is out now.
The 80s and 90s weren’t just decades. They were cultural powerhouses that transformed entertainment, fashion, and how we connected with the world.