I love to share short retro thoughts with images and animated gifs. Unfortunately, all the social media, micro-blogging platforms are owned by The Man. That’s why I created “No Duh!”, a place to share my short-form thoughts. I’ve been freed from corporate greed, so scroll away and heed my feed! —Jamie
Me to teen son: “Boys of you’re generation dress so effeminate.” My son:
Touche my boy. #Touche
If a certain place, sound and smell come to mind when you see this, we had the same educational experience. Tu senex et ego sum. #OldSchool
I don’t remember my kid playing with action figures. I used to have epic, multi-franchise toy battles for hours. #SadState
Oh, we indeed had virtual reality back in the day. It was called the View-Master and required zero electricity to run. #NoBatteries
They still use paper in schools today and my son is a disorganized, hot mess. The boy needs a Trapper Keeper. Not even joking. #OldSchool
The perception of the 80s is neon, pastel & geometric shapes. But for most of us, the 80s were very brown and beige. #WoodPannel
If you look at this image and a certain song starts playing in your head, you’re part of my world. You’re also getting old. #WalkingOnAir
Lots of cheap VHS cassettes at the 2nd hand store. If all I watch is old stuff on streaming, maybe to rethink entertainment strategy. #VHSagain
I didn’t need anything else but my Super Nintendo. My SNES was my love and I was happy to give her all the hours of my youth. #SuperNinLove
Hey look! I found one behind-the-scenes photo of almost every big blockbuster movie made these days! #OnLocation
There was this toy back in the day called “Spirograph”. It was freakin’ MAGIC! #OldSchoolPlaySchool
Let’s get real: Oatmeal kind of sucks. That’s the truth. But if there’s anyone who could make us eat it, it was Wilford Brimley. #LookMom
I wish I could bag the babes like Spuds Mackenzie does. He’s a canis lupus familiaris with 4 legs and got still more game than me😔 #SexyBeast
There’s a dude who works at the grocery store who looks just like the Zig-Zag roll-your-own cigs paper guy my uncle used to buy. #SmokingBeard
Gals love Mariah Carey’s song. Think its so romantic. But try getting her nothing but you for Christmas and see how that works out. #ItsaTrap
Happy birthday Dido! I’m sorry The Man evicted you and tore down your cute little purple Victorian house in the city. That sucks. #ThankYou
Random TV memory: Troy from “Out Of This World”. He reminded me of a later 80s Dr. Theopolis. #PortableIntelligence
Look closely. You might not know what this is, but if you were around, you remember it. #80s90sDesign
If you played NES Punch Out and beat all the fighters to get to Mike Tyson, then finally beat him, you learned 80s Nintendo persistence. #Patterns