I love to share short retro thoughts with images and animated gifs. Unfortunately, all the social media, micro-blogging platforms are owned by The Man. That’s why I created “No Duh!”, a place to share my short-form thoughts. I’ve been freed from corporate greed, so scroll away and heed my feed! —Jamie
No subscription to “The Spice Channel” on your cable plan? No problemo. 90s preteen boys had anti-scramblers in their brains. #HotCable
All this AI reminiscent of Terminator. Don’t worry, robots won’t attack us directly. They’ll just stupidify us into a pool of mush. #HastaLaDummy
Made leftover Thanksgiving turkey chili. Shredded cheddar melted so perfect on top that “Modern English” started playing in my head. #Cheese
I love 1990s Pauly Shore movies to this day. I said it. I don't apologize for it. You all love them too. You're just in the closet. #PaulyProud
Duncan Hines and Dolly Parton teamed up?! I love them both. I’mma have to make some Dolly buttermilk biscuits with sausage gravy. #CountryAF
Of course the shower is cold Phil Conners. Who goes into the shower, then turns it on? It always starts cold even if you have hot water. #ColdShower
Peter Gibbons tore down the walls of his cubicle. Today’s poor “open space” table-farm worker would kill for that kind of privacy. #CubicleJelly